06 Mar 2020

You have no Control on things that happen around you

This is a story that happened 100 years back. There was a Prince and his wife duchess, in one of the European Countries.

The Prince and his wife were going to address a large gathering of their empire.

One segment of people, rebels did not want their rule. They revolted and planned for their assassination. Not one, not two but 6 assassins were given the job of the assassination of the Prince and the duchess. All six assassins made a careful plan and occupied six different locations on the route.

The Prince and the duchess were moving in the Motorcade of 6 cars. The Security officers, Mayor and Police Chief were sitting in the first two cars. The third car was open folded and The Prince, Duchess and the Governor occupied it.

The motorcade passed by the first assassins but he failed to throw the bomb.

The second assassin was provided with the bomb and pistol. He too failed.

The third assassin threw the bomb but it hit the side of the folded convertible cover, jumped off and exploded under the 4th  Car. It damaged the car killing 16-20 people.

The third assassin swallowed a Cyanide pill and jumped in the river. His suicide attempt failed. Cyanide resulted in only vomiting and the water was only 13 cm deep due to the hot summer. He was beaten badly by the public. Injured were shifted to hospital and the motorcade of the Prince and the duchess sped away to their destination.

The Prince and the duchess gave up their planned program in favor of visiting the wounded from the bombing, at the hospital.

One of the Prince’s aides was to tell the drivers of the new route, but in the confusion and tensions of the moment, he forgot to do so.

After learning that the first assassination attempt had been unsuccessful, another assassin thought about a position to assassinate the Prince on his return journey, and decided to move to a position in front of a nearby food shop. At this point, the first and second cars of the Archduke’s motorcade suddenly turned right into a side street. When the Prince’s driver followed their route, the Governor, who was sharing the third vehicle with the Imperial couple, called out to the driver to stop as he was going the wrong way.

As the driver applied the brakes to stop the car close to where the assassin was standing, the assassin stepped up to the footboard of the car, and shot the Prince and his wife.

The prince was Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the duchess was Sophie. The assassin was Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old young man. This gave us World War I.

Who had Control?

The Prince and his wife, who decided to visit the Hospital?

Or The Military and Police,who planned the route?

Or The first two assassins who failed?

Or The third assassin who missed the prince?

Why did Cyanide not work for the third assassin? Why would he jump in a river with almost no water?

The Security guard who forgot to inform the changed Route.Did he have control?

Or The Governor who stopped the car for correcting the route?

Or was it the rest of the World who got world war I ?

Conclusion: We DO NOT have Control on things that happen around us