20 Apr 2020

Do not label good or bad immediately. There could be another view.

When something happens in our life we immediately label it as ‘good’ or ‘Bad’ almost immediately.  Consider the following examples.


  • You are in a hurry to reach office for an important meeting where you have a chance to present your great business idea to your President and you get into a traffic jam (a bad thing)
  • You come out of a traffic jam within three-four minutes (a good thing) and you speed up to make up lost time.
  • The policeman stops you for over speeding ( bad)
  • However, he lets you go with a warning ( good)
  • You reach office just before the meeting time ( good)
  • You come to know that the president had to leave for some important work with a foreign dignitary and the meeting is postponed by one full month ( Very Bad)


  • You are preparing a business plan for launching a new product. You could prepare a Business Case, Benefits Management Plan and Road Map for Milestones in a short period of the last two days (good).
  • Today, you wanted to continue with your Business Case and your PC crashes (Bad)
  • Normally you keep a copy of your daily work on the cloud, but you did not do back up this time. It looks like you lost all your Data.( very bad)
  • You thought of calling your Hardware Engineer but due to Corona Lock-Down he cannot visit you (bad)
  • You still talk to him and he says he can try out remotely ( good).
  • The next day he recovers Most of the data. (very good)

Sometimes, this habit of judging good or bad is so deeply rooted in our minds that we don’t even realize that we have become ’judgemental’ by nature.

Every time you feel ‘bad’ you get stressed ( maybe to a small extent but it is there).This stress builds up a huge burden on us.

There are many incidents in our lives which we felt like ‘bad’. However later on those proved to be ’good’.

I did my schooling in my mother tongue Marathi till 11th standard.

Barely one year in English Medium, I sat for the IIT Entrance Exam in 1969.

I was good at Physics, Chemistry, and Maths but those days they used to count scores in English paper also for ranking.

I could not get Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bombay and had to go to Kharagpur which was far away from my home. I felt ‘bad’.

Later on, I realized that it was good for me that I went to Kharagpur.

From Mumbai IIT I would have come home every week. I was stuck up in a hostel with a lot of spare time. I had to speak English and study English literature as a part of a humanities subject. Later on, in my whole life, I never felt any drawback of doing schooling in vernacular language.’ Good’ thing happened to me that I went to Kharagpur.

So, let us not be judgemental about events. Who knows? Something good may be awaiting.