26 Aug 2020

I live life by my choice, I don’t give my remote control to others

Friends, once I was talking in Management Training Class. One person Suhas, got up and asked me for leaving him early at 3.30 pm. He said,” Sir I have to leave now as I have to go for Cricket Tournament net practice”

“You are going there by choice or you have to?”
“Sir, I have to”
“What will happen if you don’t go?”
” They will drop me out of the team”
“What will happen if you leave this class?”
“I will miss out new learning for Management,
which I will make up from my friends who are
“So, what is your choice?”
“I will choose Cricket net practice”

“so my friend, you should say – I am choosing to go for net practice”. Friends, we many times say ‘have to’ by habit. Actually we are doing everything by choice. I know story of one successful Actor. He graduated in Medicine, because he scored good marks in his 12th Standard.

His parents wanted him to become doctor. His heart was not at medicine but somehow he studied for 5 years for his parents. He continued mediocre medical practice, but was always unhappy. He started acting in dramas part time and finally settled there and he is a leading actor now! How nice it would have been, had he joined Drama School instead of medicine! You must choose your option carefully and not do anything because you have to. If you make one option by choice and succeed, great! However, if you fail, then also it is learning for ‘you’ and you do not blame anybody else.

What others will say?

Very often we are more worried about others rather than thinking about what we really want to choose. For example, think of a middle class father who wants to marry his daughter. He can afford to invite 50 persons for the ceremony. He wants to invite those 50 who are in close relation. However, due to social pressure and thinking ‘what other’s will say’, he ends up inviting 250 people, arranges a large hall and ends up with big loan.

So, why worry about others? Let us make our choice, what we want to do. Similarly, we spend lot of money on Rituals and festivals – What for? Let us choose our path, which we feel is right and be stress-free. Friends, I suggest, you revisit your past decisions. They were your choices or someone else’s? If they were someone else’s choices and in case some of them proved wrong, you would blame them and blame yourself for not making your choices. So, lead your life with your choice. Do not let others rule your life. Do not give your remote control to others.