12 Aug 2020

Learn to love yourself first

We all are born with our beautiful body.

Depending on our Mental Model, we consider ourselves a low or medium kind of a person.

We say,” I don’t have great looks” or “My short height reduces my personality, otherwise I would have become a great Sales person”.

Actually, we need to love our body. No child says, I am ugly. No baby says” my hips are big”. We form our opinions later on when we grow. Further, our opinions get converted into beliefs and Mental

Louis Hay has suggested that we should stand in front of Mirror, look into our eyes straight ahead and say “I love you”.

This will bring the best out of us.

Louise Hay is known as one of the founders of the self-help movement.

The website says, “In 1980, Louise moved back to her native Southern California, and it was here that she began putting her workshop methods on paper. In 1984, her new book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published. In it, Louise explains how our beliefs and ideas about ourselves are often the cause of our emotional problems and physical maladies and how, by using certain tools, we can change our thinking and our lives for the better.”

So our ‘Body’ responds to our ‘Mind’. Healthy mind will develop a healthy body.

You are what you think.

It is said,” Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions.

Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny.”

In other words, you decide your destiny. Life (Universe) loves us, but we don’t love ourselves fully. Whatever we give, it comes back to us. If we love others, we get back love. If we give hatred, life will give us hatred.